BLOG POST: Women of WIN – Marion Waruguru
In this new series, we will be sharing short interviews with the WIN team to give some insight into who we are and our unique ethos. Our first subject is WIN CEO Marion Waruguru.
What’s your WIN origin story?
I joined WIN in 2005 due to my interest in associating and learning from women of other faiths, being a Christian myself. I had never really associated with people from many faiths except Muslims, and that association was really as colleagues or neighbours but not really understanding their belief. That and the demonisation of Muslims after 9/11 sparked my interest as I do not believe any faith teaches ‘hate of the other’.
How has interfaith dialogue shaped your life, either personally or professionally?
Interfaith dialogue has shaped me in understanding and respecting what others believe and has broadened my mind and learning on those beliefs. Professionally, I have had a wonderful time in taking part in friendship building activities and projects with diverse women of faith in our WIN Groups and projects we have started at WIN Head Office.
What has been the project or event you’ve been most proud of in your time at WIN?
The project I am most proud of is the development of All Of Us Educational Programme for school children as I believe starting to change people’s perspectives of ‘difference of the other’ from an early age is important. It helps in resolving religious and cultural misunderstanding, prejudice and racism that children may be exposed to in their homes and community.
Are there any upcoming projects you are excited about?
I am excited about the All Of Our Shadows Education Programme that is being launched this year, 2022, aimed at young people.
What brings you joy outside of work?
I am pursuing a Faith-Based Leadership Degree course with the University of Birmingham and taking regular nature walks, which both bring me joy outside of work.