Our History

We work with women of all faiths and no faith to build a better society by promoting friendship and embracing difference. We carry out this mission through our grassroots WIN Groups and a range of dynamic and wide-reaching women-led projects that impact whole communities, including men and boys.

Women’s Interfaith Network (WIN) was formed by Chair Lady Gilda Levy and former trustee Pinky Lilani CBE DL in 2003, in response to the 9/11 terror attacks. Gilda, a Jewish woman and Pinky, a Muslim woman, realised the strength of their friendship lay in their commonality as women and worked to bring together women from all backgrounds to build bridges and establish friendships.

Today, 20 years later and still under Lady Gilda Levy’s leadership, our membership includes women across A-Z of the religious spectrum – from Anglican to Zoroastrian – as well as women of no faith who are committed to WIN’s message of mutual understanding and connection. Through our varied work – from our groups or local partnerships, to wide-reaching initiatives like our All Of Us Youth Campaign, working with young people across the country – we work for local change and amplify the voices of women in interfaith dialogue and beyond.


Over the last 20 years, WIN has nurtured and developed our grassroots community, through our WIN groups, built on the pillars of friendship and solidarity between women. Our approach encourages women’s leadership and participation in interfaith and community spaces, where women’s voices are often underrepresented.


WIN members form grassroots social groups by geographical area, organizing a range of activities, all of which build connection between members and within their local communities. Activities are designed and run by the groups themselves, depending on their interests, priorities and the change they want to see in their local area

Read more about our groups and becoming a WIN member here