WIN Statement – Interfaith Week 2023
At WIN we are lucky enough to see the power of interfaith friendship flourish every day, even in the most difficult times. We know that our members, and many others, are examples of building friendships across divides and embracing difference to build stronger communities, even when this seems difficult or perhaps impossible.
WIN was born as a direct result of the terrible events of 9/11. The fallout from that tragedy caused deep divisions between many communities and much of the work that had gone on before, to bring people together, was severely damaged. Our hope is that the recent horrific events in Palestine and Israel, resulting in so many deaths and so much pain, will not deter the important work of building interfaith coalitions and championing unity over division.
As we look forward to Interfaith Week, we will continue to stand together. Condemning all kinds of anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, praying for peace and harmony, and working towards a world where all people can live in freedom and safety.
Women’s Interfaith Network, Head Office Team